ASUSTeK to Make Add-In-Cards that Boost Physics Performance

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Registado: sexta-feira, 27 maio 2005 1:21

ASUSTeK to Make Add-In-Cards that Boost Physics Performance

Mensagem por DJ_PAPA »

ASUSTeK Computer said at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) it would launch add-in cards that would feature AGEIA’s PhysX processor. The products will boost performance of physics in certain next-generation computer games that support AGEIA’s technology.

AGEIA’s PhysX is the world’s first Physics Processing Unit (PPU), which offloads software physics processing from central processing units and graphics processing units to it. The architecture of the PhysX PPU is tailored for multi-threaded processing of vertexes, which allows game creators to develop detailed, soft and precise animation and simulation of movements, hair, clothing, liquids, fluids and other. Currently AGEIA PhysX is the world’s first and only dedicated physics processing unit, but the company expects more startups to offer similar technology.
The cards based on the new AGEIA PhysX processor will start sampling in Q3 2005, and when they appear in retail in Q4 their price is supposed to be between $249 and $299, according to X-bit labs report from E3 show in Los Angeles, California.

The PhysX chip will be manufactured with 0.13 micron technology at TSMC, and the die will host 125 million transistors, which is larger than that of mainstream graphics processing units, such as ATI RADEON X700.
hese three points of focus are:

* Gaming physics, which brings to games such features as:
o Rigid body dynamics
o Finite element analysis
o Soft body dynamics
o Fluid dynamics
o Hair Simulation
o Clothing simulation
o Universal collision detection
* AI
* Management of the game

Basicamente é um projecto inovador a nivel mundial e que promete revolucionar os jogos através dos calculos das fisicas dos jogos.
Isto é, esta placa é capaz de calcular até 30.000 corpos rigidos em tempo real, sendo que cada corpo segue as leis da fisica a nivel de movimentos.
Um CPU dual-core é capaz apenas de processar umas centenas de corpos rigidos.

Aliando esta placa a uma placa grafica de proxima geraçao (G70 e R520), os jogos vao estar em um patamar de quase foto-realismo!
O principal problema desta placa é ainda a falta de suporte pelas produtoras dos jogos, mas com o tempo vai-se generalizar e vai revolucionar a maneira como um jogo se desenrola......

Video na feira E3 com alguns demos:

source ->

Comentario final:
This time, demos were rendered in real time with all the fancy physics detailed and effects on.

We have to say that seeing hardware in action was breathtaking and we do believe that this is the next step in game evolution.

This hardware add-in card presents 40,000 bones (rigid bodies) on screen at a time, while even Dual core AMD or Intel CPUs can calculate just few hundreds. When it comes to Fluids, PPU can render even more rigid bodies. Your game will look like never before.

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Registado: sábado, 13 novembro 2004 19:41

Mensagem por Yagami »

Muito fixe. Aquela demo das pedras a cair e a do carro demonstram bem o que essa placa pode fazer. Agora, barata é que ela não há de ser e a médio prazo só a estou a ver nos PCs dos hardcore gamers.